At this early stage we have included a few brief outline case studies. As our accreditation process proceeds, you will many more examples with more details.

The Priory Federation of Academies Trust

The Federation schools are at various stages of developing a Baccalaureate model including post- 16, KS3 and Primary models. This linked leaflet gives a flavour of the post-16 model, focusing on the breadth of options available in the Personal Development Programme.

Wood Green School

The Wood Green Baccalaureate has been developed at each key stage to recognise and celebrate the full educational experience of our school. Based on our six core values, the Baccalaureate is now the central element of the school’s philosophy and provision.

Anglo-European School

AES has a long tradition of delivering Baccalaureate programmes for all students in the Sixth Form, including a commitment to the IB alongside A levels. Students can choose from two International Baccalaureate programmes or from two Anglo Baccalaureate programmes.